Help Dr. Bobbi Make Eye-Deal Pick


Dr. Bobbi’s personality always shines through, including in her choice of eyeglasses. Help her pick out her next pair. Click here to watch the video then cast your vote!

UPDATE: After compiling all the votes, the clear winner was Choice B! Nearly half of all the selections were for B. The second-place pick was Choice A, followed narrowly by Choice A. Thanks to all those who commented and voted!

Dr. Bobbi will soon pick up Choice B, and you should be able to see her rocking them in one of our offices! 


Chaska, MN

212 Medical Center
111 Hundertmark Rd, Ste. 304N
Chaska, MN 55318

952-361-6759 BOOK ONLINE
Excelsior, MN

Ridgeview Medical Building
675 Water St, Ste 2
Excelsior, MN 55331

952-242-9200 BOOK ONLINE
Maple Grove, MN

7880 Main St.
Maple Grove, MN 55369

763-515-0011 BOOK ONLINE
Plymouth, MN

Allina West Health Medical Building 2805 Campus Dr, Ste. 245
Plymouth, MN 55441

763-383-1788 BOOK ONLINE